Real Protocols for Real People: Heart Failure

Listen to acupuncture and herbal medicine treatment strategies for patients with heart disease from Andrew Nugent-Head, world renowned practitioner of Chinese medicine.

NCCAOM 2 CEUs. The Real Protocols for Real People video series shares experience drawn from treating actual patients over many years from our clinic. Each topic features an explanation of who the patient arch-type is, viewing the condition from the lens of classical theory, shaping it to the reality of the person in front of us, then presents the strategies to make treatment successful using acupuncture, bodywork and herbal formulation. The course then shows what to expect from the patient in a real treatment and ends with final advice on how to be as successful as possible when treating the condition discussed.

Your Instructor

Andrew Nugent-Head
Andrew Nugent-Head

Andrew Nugent-Head is the founder of the Association for Traditional Studies (ATS), a 501c3 organization dedicated to the preservation, documentation and dissemination of China's traditional knowledge. Andrew moved to China in 1986 at the age of 18 to study Chinese medicine, martial arts, and internal cultivation. He spent 28 years in China dedicated to learning these arts and obtained the highest quality education possible in traditional, mentor-disciple relationships.

Andrew's studies and work have been featured on French and German television, the NBC Sunday Today Show, and on ABC News Special. He also worked on and appeared in the Mystery of Qi episode of the Bill Moyers PBS documentary series, Healing and the Mind. He has been featured in newspapers across the United States and written prolifically on Chinese Medicine, culture and the importance of preserving traditional knowledge worldwide.

Through his not for profit, Andrew has translated six books, produced over 400 educational videos and translated for and assisted practitioners of Chinese Medicine, Yin Style Bagua martial arts, Daoyin practices, and Calligraphy during more than 140 seminars between 1993 and 2003.

With the passing of his teachers, Andrew now dedicates himself to teaching the practice of Chinese medicine as he learned it to fellow practitioners through seminars around the world. He also runs a teaching clinic in Asheville, North Carolina where practitioners can observe him treating patients with herbs, acupuncture, bodywork, exercises and lifestyle advice.

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How long do I have access to this course?
All purchased courses are yours to view as often as you like as long as we maintain this platform. Technologies do change, but our previous platform operated for 13 years, so you can be confident this platform (launched in 2018) will be here for quite some time.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would be sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, due to the nature of online media, all of our online courses are completely non refundable for any reason whatsoever. Do be sure you want to purchase the course, have the correct devices and bandwidth to watch a streaming online education platform, and want this material. If you are unsure, search the internet for comments about the presenters, ask for reviews on various practitioner websites, and do due diligence before purchasing.

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